Community Projects Lightning Talks

Webinar Summary

On February 17, 2022, members from DHTech came together to learn about some of the projects of their fellow community members. A total of five lightning talks were presented. The speakers and their projects are listed below. The meetup was recorded for anyone who wasn’t able to join.

Raff Viglianti - Publishing TEI in the Browser


Raff Viglianti is a Research Programmer at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, is an elected member of the TEI Technical Council, and the Technical Editor of the online open access journal Scholarly Editing.


I will introduce strategies for publishing TEI in the browser using HTML5 Custom Elements. I will introduce a duo of JS libraries (gatsby-transformer-ceteicean, gatsby-theme-ceteicean) for the static site generator Gatsby and show examples from

Nick Laiacona - FairCopy


Nick Laiacona is a partner in Performant Software Solutions, a software development firm specializing in digital humanities. (@nick_performant)


FairCopy is a simple and powerful tool for reading, transcribing, and encoding text using the TEI Guidelines. (

Robert Casties - Minimal Computing solution providing a DTS API for TEI texts


Robert Casties is a Researcher and RSE at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, working on the many digital projects of the institute.


Distributed Text Services (DTS) is a proposed standard API to access TEI documents and their parts in a structured way, somewhat similar to IIIF for images. I’d like to present dtsflat-server a very simple server that can serve a subset of a DTS API from a DTSflat file structure and simple-tei2dtsflat a tool to create DTSflat files from a simple TEI document.

Bernhard Rieder, Erik Borra, Stijn Peeters - CAT4SMR


Erik Borra, Stijn Peeters, and Bernhard Rieder are Assistant/Associate Professors at the University of Amsterdam’s Media Studies department and members of the Digital Methods Initiative. They have participated in the creation of tools and methodologies for internet research for over a decade, both as researchers and software developers. More at


Our talk will introduce the CAT4SMR (Capture and Anaysis Tools for Social Media Research) project, which is dedicated to the creation, maintenance, and embedding of research software for the study of social media platforms in the humanities and social sciences. We will discuss the overall rationale behind our integrated researcher/developer approach and quickly present some of the tools we have been working on (DMI-TCAT, YouTube Data Tools, 4CAT).

Malte Vogl - SemanticLayerTools


Malte Vogl is a RSE at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, working in the project ModelSEN Modeling historical knowledge processes.


SemanticLayerTools aims to be a toolset for making the analysis of historical multilayer networks transparent. The current beta focusses on bibliometric networks using Leiden and Infomap clustering algorithms.