DHTech October Newsletter

Happy Halloween! From DHTech straight to you some (hopefully not so spooky) news about what’s happening in the DHTech community.
DH2024 will be in Washington, D.C. from August 6-9, 2024. As a SIG, DHTech has a guaranteed spot on the program. The steering committee decided to use our spot for a mini-conference that focuses on technical talks, technical tool demos, lessons learnt, and related topics that present the technical side of DH projects. We are planning to have a separate call for submissions and would appreciate your thoughts and ideas before we release the call. Please let us know what kind of presentations you would be interested in submitting and seeing, what kind of feedback you would hope to get when presenting, and any other thoughts you might have by using this Google form.
Report from the US-RSE’23 Birds of a Feather Session on Code Review
Several DHTech members attended the inaugural US-RSE conference earlier this month in Chicago, an event by the US Research Software Engineer Association themed “Software-Enabled Discovery and Beyond.” While the majority of attendees hailed from STEM fields rather than the humanities or social sciences, common challenges, such as building sustainable and maintainable software, were universally recognized. The difficulty of building sustainable, maintainable, reproducible, and extensible software was a common refrain at the conference. Read more about DH-Tech’s participation in the conference on our blog.
Education and Training Working Group
In our October DHTech meetup we talked about how DHTech can support training and education of research software engineering work in the Digital Humanities. Jose Hernandez gave an overview of his vision for a new DHTech working group that focuses on developing and sharing training and education resources. Many of us have developed tutorials, slides, or other materials to teach technical topics for DH developers and digital humanists in general that others could benefit from if those resources were made available. As a first outcome of the meetup, Jose created a Humanities Commons DHTech site to which people can upload their materials. Furthermore, we plan to meet bi-monthly with this new working group to explore further initiatives. Please join the #education-wg channel on Slack if you are interested in joining the working group.
Latest Blog Posts
Check out the latest blog posts on the DHTech website!
- “Reinventing the DHTech logo” by Rebecca Sutton Koeser about the redesign of our logo.
- “DHTech Participation at US-RSE Conference” by Cole Crawford about DHTech’s involvement in the first US Research Software Engineer Conference.
DHTech Email Address
Email dhtech.community@gmail.com if you want to reach the DHTech Steering Committee.
Upcoming Newsletters
This is a bi-monthly newsletter. Do you have something to share with the DHTech community that you want included in the next newsletter? Please get in touch with us (dhtech.community@gmail.com or via Slack).