DHTech December Newsletter

This is the last newsletter of 2023! While it might be the last, we have a lot of news and opportunities to share before we say goodbye to the year.
Steering Committee Changes
We are excited to announce that DHTech has a new steering committee member! Starting in 2024, Jose Hernandez will join the DHTech Steering Committee. Jose is a Digital Humanities Technology Specialist at Florida State University. We look forward to having his perspective on the steering committee.
DH2024 Mini-conference “DH Inside Out”
Next year in August, DH2024 will be held at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia, USA. DHTech will hold a mini-conference at DH2024 themed “DH Inside Out”. Typical DH conference presentations are focussed on the research with a slight nod to the technical details; we want to flip that format and dive more deeply into the technical aspects of the work, while still keeping it in context of the research and domain specifics. To that end, we invite submissions of interest to the people who work on the technical aspects of DH projects. We are also looking for volunteers to review submissions. Please see the full call here for instructions on how to submit presentation proposals and on how to sign up as a reviewer.
DHLabs in DHTech
Following from the DH2023 event “Labs for Labs: A participatory workshop on digital lab practices in the humanities and social sciences” there was a general consensus and keen interest among the participants to establish a means of communication and knowledge sharing for DH Labs. Due to the overlapping and complementary interests it was decided that joining forces with the existing DHTech community would be valuable and this has now been established as a channel called #dh-labs-community on the DHTech Slack. In the immediate period ahead, we hope this channel will enable us to follow up on the planned outcomes from the workshop, including the co-drafting of a manifesto for DH labs, and to arrange future gatherings for labs in 2024 and beyond.
Aodhán Kelly, Costas Papadopoulos (Maastricht University)
Arianna Ciula, Ginestra Ferraro, Pamela Mellen (King’s College London)
New Working Group Education & Training
DHTech has a new working group on Education & Training. This working group will focus on education and training materials for people coding and developing software for digital humanities projects. If you are interested in joining the working group, please join the channel #education-wg on Slack and say hello!
Call for Projects for RSE Consultation
DHTech is looking for digital humanities project teams in the US planning to develop software who would benefit from consulting with a Research Software Engineer (RSE) on their technical implementation plan. Teams accepted for this call will be matched with an appropriate RSE. Teams must be willing to meet with their assigned consultant at least five times over the course of five months, and plan to start the development work of the software by the end of 2025. Accepted project teams will be paid a stipend of $1500 to compensate for the required time to provide feedback on the process. Please see the full call here, and share with any project teams you think would be interested.
Latest Blog Posts
- “Call for Projects for RSE Consultation” by Julia Damerow, Cole Crawford, Rebecca Sutton Koeser.
- “DH Inside Out - Mini-conference at DH2024” by DHTech about DHTech’s DH2024 mini-conference.
DHTech Email Address
Email dhtech.community@gmail.com if you want to reach the DHTech Steering Committee.
Upcoming Newsletters
This is a bi-monthly newsletter. Do you have something to share with the DHTech community that you want included in the next newsletter? Please get in touch with us (dhtech.community@gmail.com or via Slack).
Have a nice break and a happy new year!