DH RSE Survey Results
The survey was comprised of 23 questions. 66 people responded to the survey. If you have not yet responded but would like to, the survey will remain open and is available here: https://forms.gle/qya3qE9mk24HvUXf8. We will post updates to the current results after we have received a significant number of additional responses.
Notes about the survey:
- Any multi-choice question that had an “Other” option, allowed to enter additional values not included in the provided options.
- This post shows the results for all questions except questions that need more work on anonymizing the responses, and questions that asked for free text responses, which will need more work to anonymize and categorize.
- In most cases, bar charts indicate that multiple responses where possible; pie charts indicate that the respondent could only select one answer.
Survey Results
Question 1: As what would you classify yourself?
Possible Answers:
- Embedded RSE (you are working with a team of people that do not have much coding skills, and you are the go to person for any software/algorithm development related questions/issues)
- Service RSE (you are working with a team of RSEs that helps academic units/projects to implement their software/algorithms)
- Other
- Service RSE: 32
- Embedded RSE: 22
- Other: 12

Question 1: As what would you classify yourself?
Question 2: Which programming languages do you regularly use?
Possible Answers:
- Python
- Java
- C
- C++
- C#
- Ruby
- Rust
- Javascript
- Prolog/Scheme
- Go
- XQuery
- Other
- Python: 53
- Javascript: 47
- XSLT: 22
- Java: 18
- PHP: 14
- XQuery: 14
- R: 6
- Ruby: 5
- C#: 4
- Other: 14
Other included: C++, bash, C, Perl, Typescript, Scala, Go, yaml, XProc 3.0, Groovy, SQL

Question 2: Which programming languages do you regularly use?
Question 3: What frameworks are you regularly using?
Possible Answers:
- Django
- Flask
- Spring
- Drupal
- Wordpress
- Grails
- Ruby on Rails
- Hibernate
- Play
- React
- Vue.js
- Angular
- Laravel
- Other
Django: 26
Vue.js: 20
Flask: 18
Wordpress: 14
Spring: 9
React: 8
Drupal: 7
Laravel: 5
Ruby on Rails: 4
Angular: 4
Hibernate: 3
Other: 14
Other included: Eclipse RCP, Apache Spark, eXistdb templating system, Wagtail, Pyramid, Docker, Sencha, Bootstrap, Streamlit, RShiny, flexdashboard, Smart GWT, Symfony

Question 3: What frameworks are you regularly using?
Question 4: How would you classify your work?
Possible Answers:
- Frontend engineering
- Backend engineering
- Fullstack
- Design
- Project management
- DevOps
- Other
Fullstack: 44
Project management: 35
Design: 23
Backend engineering: 22
DevOps: 21
Frontend engineering: 17
Other: 12
Other included: Data Science, Analysis, Algorithm development, Machine learning, Coordination, Data Modeling, Domain specific work, Consulting

How would you classify your work?
Question 5: Regarding the following topics, what do you spend most of you time with?
Possible Answers:
- Data analysis/science
- Data Modelling
- Computer vision
- AI/Machine Learning
- Knowledge represenation
- Data visualisation
- Software engineering
- Algorithm development
- Server infrastructure setup/maintenance
- Software Engineering: 38
- Data Modelling: 33
- Server infrastructure: 26
- Data analysis/science: 24
- UI/UX: 24
- Knowledge representation: 21
- Data visualisation: 19
- Algorithm development: 12
- AI/Machine Learning: 8
- Computer vision: 3

Regarding the following topics, what do you spend most of you time with?
Question 6: Regarding the following topics, what do you enjoy the most?
Possible Answers:
- Data analysis/science
- Data Modelling
- Computer vision
- AI/Machine Learning
- Knowledge represenation
- Data visualisation
- Software engineering
- Algorithm development
- Server infrastructure setup/maintenance
- Software engineering: 25
- Data Modelling: 24
- Data analysis/science: 20
- Data visualisation: 19
- Knowledge represenation: 15
- UI/UX: 12
- Algorithm development: 11
- AI/Machine Learning: 11
- Computer vision: 4
- Server infrastructure setup/maintenance: 3

Regarding the following topics, what do you enjoy the most?
Question 7: Regarding the following topics, in which ones would you like to improve your knowledge?
Possible Answers:
- Data analysis/science
- Data Modelling
- Computer vision
- AI/Machine Learning
- Knowledge represenation
- Data visualisation
- Software engineering
- Algorithm development
- Server infrastructure setup/maintenance
- Data analysis/science: 31
- AI/Machine Learning: 29
- Data visualisation: 28
- Knowledge represenation: 15
- Data Modelling: 13
- UI/UX: 13
- Algorithm development: 11
- Computer vision: 10
- Server infrastructure setup/maintenance: 10
- Software engineering: 5

Regarding the following topics, in which ones would you like to improve your knowledge?
Question 8: What is the highest degree you have?
Possible Answers:
- Highschool Diploma
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Master’s Degree
- Magister/Diplom
- PhD
- Other
- PhD: 32
- Master’s Degree: 20
- Magister/Diplom: 9
- Bachelor’s Degree: 5

What is the highest degree you have?
Question 9: In what field is your highest degree?
Possible Answers:
- Computer Science or related field
- Natural Sciences
- Humanities
- Other
- Humanities: 36
- Computer Science or related field: 18
- Natural Sciences: 5
- Other: 7

In what field is your highest degree?
Question 10: How did you get training in computer science/software engineering?
Possible Answers:
- I have a degree in computer science/software engineering
- I have a degree in a closely related field (e.g. GIS, bioinformatics, etc)
- I got trained on the job (taught by someone)
- I am self-taught
- I completed workshops and certificates
- Other
- Self-taught: 24
- CS/SE degree: 22
- Closely related field: 12
- Other: 4
- Trained on job: 4

How did you get training in computer science/software engineering?
Question 11: What type of employer do you have?
Possible Answers:
- University
- Other research institution
- Non-academic employer
- I’m self-employed/freelancing
- Other
- University: 39
- Other research institution: 24
- Non-academic employer: 2
- Self-employed/freelancing: 1

What type of employer do you have?
Question 12: What’s your current title?
Possible Answers:
- Professor or similar title (e.g. Assistant Professor, Lecturer, etc)
- Researcher or similar title
- Research Software Engineer or similar title (e.g. Scientific Software Developer)
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Graduate Student RA/TA or similar title
- Student Assistant
- Librarian/Archivist
- Other
- Research Software Engineer or similar title: 25
- Researcher or similar title: 18
- Other: 7
- Professor or similar title: 5
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 5
- Software Developer or similar: 4
- Librarian/Archivist: 2

What's your current title?
Question 13: Your position is…
Possible Answers:
- Fulltime
- Part-time
- Self-employed/freelancing
- Other
- Fulltime: 56
- Part-time: 9

Your position is full-time/part-time
Question 14: Your current position is…
Possible Answers:
- Permanent
- Temporary (more than 3 years contract)
- Temporary (1 to 3 years contract)
- Temporary (less than 1 year contract)
- Other:
- Permanent: 39
- Temporary (<1 year contract): 3
- Temporary (1-3 years contract): 19
- Temporary (>3 years contract): 5

Your current position is permanent/temporary
Question 15: At your current employer…
Possible Answers:
- you have a career path
- you have no career path
- Other
- No career path: 43
- Career path exists: 18
- Other: 3

At your current employer you have/don't have career path.
Question 16: Are you planning to keep working as an DH RSE for the foreseeable future?
Possible Answers:
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
- Yes: 43
- Don’t know: 19
- No: 4

Are you planning to keep working as an DH RSE for the foreseeable future?
Question 17: How big is your development team (without student assistants)?
Possible Answers:
- It’s just me (but there might be researchers you work with in your team)
- 2-5
- 5-10
- more than 10
- Just me: 20
- 2-5: 27
- 5-10: 4
- more than 10: 15

How big is your development team (without student assistants)?
Question 18: How big is your development team (including student assistants)?
Possible Answers:
- It’s just me (but there might be researchers you work with in your team)
- 2-5
- 5-10
- more than 10
- Just me: 15
- 2-5: 25
- 5-10: 8
- more than 10: 17

How big is your development team (including student assistants)?
Question 19: In which country do you work?
Possible Answers:
free text
- Austria: 3
- Europe: 1
- France: 2
- Germany: 26
- Greece: 1
- Ireland: 2
- Israel: 1
- Japan: 2
- Mexico: 1
- Netherlands: 2
- Spain: 1
- Turkey: 1
- United Kingdom: 12
- United States: 11

In which country do you work?
Question 20: Do you consider yourself a member of a minority in your field?
Possible Answers:
- No
- Yes
- Prefer not to answer
- Don’t know
- No: 39
- Yes: 16
- Don’t know: 8
- Prefer not to answer: 3