DHTech is running a survey to better understand the experiences and needs of anyone doing technical work in the digital humanities! Click here to take the survey
Read MoreBased on a poster at DH2022, Julia Damerow, Rebecca Sutton Koeser, Jeffrey C. Carver, and Malte Vogl have published a paper in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities describing the work of the Community Code Review Working Group of DHTech.
Read MoreIt’s that time of the year again! For the upcoming two-year term (2025-2026), three seats on the Steering Committee need to be filled. This blog post summarizes the key responsibilities and tasks of the Steering Committee.
Read MoreDHTech will hold a mini-conference at DH2024 themed “DH Inside Out”. The program is out now!
Read MoreDHTech will hold a mini-conference at DH2024 themed “DH Inside Out”. Typical DH conference presentations are focussed on the research with a slight nod to the technical details; we want to flip that format and dive more deeply into the technical aspects of the work, while still keeping it in context of the research and domain specifics.
Read MoreSeveral DHTech members attended the inaugural US-RSE conference held in Chicago, Oct. 16-18, an event by the US Research Software Engineer Association themed “Software-Enabled Discovery and Beyond.”
Read MoreEarlier this year, when we were getting ready to order DHTech swag to bring to the DH2023 conference and share with all of you, we hit a snag: we didn’t have vector versions of our logo, or even any high-resolution versions. Here’s how I created the new version of our DHTech logo.
Read MoreThis November we are planning to hold the first official Steering Committee elections. This blog post summarizes the key responsibilities and tasks of the Steering Committee.
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