Thanks to funding from ADHO, DHTech was able to support one DHTech member by paying for their DH2023 registration costs. Read Szemes Botond reflection of the workshop “Digital Literary Stylistics (SIG-DLS)”!
Read MoreOur December meetup was focussed on discussing the Python-based Django framework. Read our summary of the meetup!
Read MoreThis November we are planning to hold the first official Steering Committee elections. This blog post will summarize the key responsibilities and tasks of the Steering Committee.
Read MoreThe Code Review Working Group of DHTech is starting the alpha phase of implementing a code review process for the digital humanities. For the initial round of reviews, we are looking for people willing to submit code for review and people willing to review someone else’s code.
Read MoreThanks to Moritz Maehr, DHTech now has a vastly improved list of curated DH related links. Have a look at them and consider adding your own tips for resources and tools as a pull request!
Read MoreThe first DHTech Meetup as a SIG took place on 29th of September. Members of the initial steering committee introduced themselves and shared some ongoing projects of the SIG. The attendees discussed the specific focus of DH software development in context to the wider RSE movement.
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